Bamboleo weekend

Visiting Spain: La Alberca, Salamanca and Ciudad Rodrigo

There is just something about Spain that makesme feel at home each time I visit it... 

  La Alberca





 The Age of the house





"Even modern graffiti artists respect tradition. They usually deface walls in deep red paint, mimicking the color favored in past centuries, when students who passed their exams wrote their names and the letter V (V for Victorius) in a concoction of bulls' blood and olive oil. These fading historic "tags" can still be seen on some university walls."









Cuidad Rodrigo







Until next time dear Spain!


  1. Salamanca sempre me despertou interesse e nunca lá fui :( E La Alberca parece muito giro mesmo! É uma pena eu não ter tido muita oportunidade de explorar bem o país vizinho.


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